Tag Archive | designing a web page

HTML | Tags | Presentation Tags

These are just three of the ten options available to indicate how text can appear in XHTML. The full list is bold, italic, monospaced, underlined, strikethrough, teletype, larger, smaller, superscripted, and subscripted text. <b>: Anything that appears in a <b> element is displayed in bold. <!DOCTYPE HTML— <p>This is <b>Bold Text</b></p> </html> <i>: The content […]

HTML | Tags | Pharse Tags

          The following elements are not just for presentational purposes; they also describe something about their content. <em>: The content of an <em> element is intended to be a point of emphasis in your document, and it is usually displayed in italicized text. <!DOCTYPE HTML— <p>This is the <em>Emphasis Text</em> </p> […]

HTML | Tables

HTML tables are very basic but can be very powerful when used correctly. At their base level, tables can organize data into rows and columns. The table definition itself is defined and delimited by <table> tags Rows of data are defined and delimited by <tr> (table row) tags.Table cells (individual pieces of data) are defined […]

HTML | Tags

There are lots of tags and they are all in pairs; there are   opening tags  and   closing tags .  The closing tag is always slightly different from the opening tag in that it has a forward slash after the first angled bracket:</ html >. A pair of tags and the content these include are known […]